How to prepare for your session
A bunch of carefully curated tips from a Waikato Photographer to help you prepare for your next in-home family photo session.
Allow plenty of time
Allow yourselves plenty of time especially with a newborn or toddler. Babies and toddlers don’t always know how to “listen” to our directions. We all just need to be patient and go with the flow, which can mean it might not be a quick 1 hour session. I always advise to block off at least two hours for in home sessions.
Let it shine
Light is key in photography, especially when working indoors. Pick rooms in your home that have the most natural light to shoot in. Be sure to schedule your session at a time of day when the rooms are most lit up by the sun. Typically we use living areas and bedrooms and occasionally the front or back yard.
Reduce distractions
Reduce distractions in the room in the way of mess, clutter and anything that doesn’t have a purpose or make the room look pretty. Your house doesn’t need to be spotless but moving unnecessary items from the room is a must. Also, make sure there is plenty of room to move in the areas we will be photographing in.
Coordinating versus matching
Coordinating is what we are aiming for. See my portrait gallery for reference. Notice how no one is wearing exact same outfit or colours (example - white top, denim bottoms). We want to steer clear of matching as it looks cheesy and overdone. You don’t go out in exact matching outfits in your day to day life so why start in your family photo session? See colour combos below for inspiration for coordinating your outfits.
Colour combos
Pick a base colour or two and then add in complimenting neutral tones.
Example - Brown and Rust Orange. Neutrals that pair well with these colours are beige and white.
Some other colours that photograph well are :
+ Burgundy
+ Olive Green
+ Mustard Yellow (think deeper tones rather than bright yellow)
+ Light Blue
+ Tan
Don’t be afraid to mix it up with your textures too! Denim and linen are always a fave. If it’s in the cooler months, maybe try a chunky knit.
Wardrobe don’ts
Refrain from wearing the following :
+ Clothing with logos or graphics
+ Activewear
+ Tracksuits
+ Fluorescent clothing
+ Sports jerseys
+ Caps
Prepare supplies
Kids get messy, hungry and quickly get over being photographed.
Organising these things can help you stay prepared.
+ A change of clothes
You guys may wish to change up your outfits mid-way through your shoot. That’s totally cool! It’s also a good idea to have backup outfits incase the kids get dirty during our session. Remember, same rules apply as above.
+ Snacks
Prepare snacks that aren’t messy or stain fingers and hands.
Good examples - apples, bananas, grapes, crackers etc.
Not so great examples - strawberries, chocolate, sticky lollies.
Prepare the kids
We all know how daunting it can be being in front of the camera. Magnify that for little kids who are meeting a stranger for the first time and you can understand why they may not cooperate straight away.
It is important that you talk to your kids about what we will be doing, where, when and what is expected of them. Setting expectations is key for helping the kids warm up quickly to a stranger.
Start by introducing me to the kids in conversations well before our session date. Talk about me by using my name “Ains” to help the kids identify and personify me rather than calling me “The Photographer”.
When chatting about the session, talk about the fun you will have as a family and what you will be doing, rather than we are just going to take photos. Realistically to a kid, that doesn’t sound like fun.
Reward the kids
Having something to look forward to is always a good idea when photographing kids. Plan a little reward or adventure for the kids to do after the session.
Examples could be :
+ Going to the park
+ Going for a swim
+ Watching their favourite movie
+ Building a blanket fort in the living room
+ Buying them their favourite treat
Be natural
I am here to capture all the love you and your family share, your every day lives and the place you call home. I am not here to make you act in front of the camera. My goal is to photograph you and your family in a way that feels like you. If your toddlers favourite thing to do is jump on the couch, I will be there taking photos of them having the time of their life doing just that. If getting messy with paints is more your kids style, let’s do it! Kids love being out in the garden or running under the sprinkler? I’ll be there!
There’s no right way to have your in home session, only one that is true to your lifestyle and family. Let’s have fun and get cosy!
Don’t skip nap time
We all know how cranky babies/toddlers can get when they are tired and fidgety. Please make sure you are all well rested to get the most out of your session. This goes for all you mamas and papas out there too.